Directions to Village Goldsmith Inc.
From North of Cranston :
From 95 South in Providence, Take the Route 6 / Route 10 Exit, 22B.
Stay left to proceed onto Route 10 South.
Once on Route 10, take the second exit, Cranston Street.
At the bottom of the ramp, take a right onto Garfield Avenue.
At the end of this road, at the traffic light, take a left onto Cranston Street.
After .9 miles, take a right onto Puritan Avenue.
We are the green building, #15.
From South of Cranston :
From 95 North, take Exit 16. (Route 10 / Park Ave)
Stay left on the ramp and get onto Route 10 North.
Take the Cranston Street Exit.
Stay left on the ramp, and make a left at the traffic light onto Niantic Avenue.
At the end of Niantic Avenue, make a left onto Cranston Street.
After .9 miles, take a right onto Puritan Avenue.
We are the green building, #15. |